The Full Story
Wandering Whimsy Watercolor
As an artist, I'm a big fan of quality supplies. I mean, who doesn't like to collect art supplies? Theres nothing more fun than getting a package and realizing it's something new and fun to play with!
Several years ago I fell in love with handmade watercolors and quickly began to amass a collection.
Sometimes they were wonderful, sometimes they were a little disappointing. Too grainy, not vibrant enought, they didn't rewet the way I wanted or give me enough "spread" on my pieces.
During this time I realized that what I really wanted was to be able to capture the places and moments I visited during my adventures and make them into colors. I remember moments in color and sound. I wanted to share that with people, but I wanted to be sure that my paints were everything I wanted them to be.
I began a project that didn't have a name for quite some time and after years of trial and error, I'm pleased to begin providing artist grade handmade watercolors of my own, based on the places I visit and the memories I've made. I can't wait to see you capture your memories and adventures in my paints. #wanderingwhimsywatercolor
Each palette will be created in limited quantities with high quality ingredients.

Handmade Artisan Watercolors
Each pan and every color is mulled by hand with artist grade pigments, on a slab, and then mixed with my secret recipe for a handmade binder.
Mixed with a dash of clove and lavender oil as an anti-fungal, with JUST the right amount of wetting agent, these pans are READY to experience your adventures with you.
I've spent several years playing with my formulas and I think you will love the vibrance, saturation and characteristics of these artisan paints as much as I do.

How to Shop
Each color is created in limited quantities
and currently sold in half pans.
Many palettes may only be released once,
though I may remake individual colors depending on popularity and how much I loved them!
I will be doing "shop drops" regularly and the pans left will stay available until they are gone.
Upcoming shop updates will be posted below or you can sign up here for notifications
Next Shop Drop:
Oct 16 1pm ET